I’m Bridget Bilbo (they/them) a comix artist, freelance Illustrator, and occasional tattoo artist based in Chicago. In 2019 I earned my BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, SAIC, with an emphasis in print and animation.

I love Illustrating stories about human connection, magic, and making dumb dad jokes! I work in a variety of mediums spanning from riso printing, storyboarding, and sometimes digital painting.

I started an art collective in 2019 called Pulp Press with two friends where we self published zines and tabled at fests together. In the summer of 2021 we were selected by the Artlands Gallery to create an LGBTQIA+ crosswalk mural in Redlands, CA to celebrate Pride month.

Zine fests are one of my favorite things about the comics community, I’ve been lucky enough to participate in Chicago Zine Fest, CAKE, Sultzer Library Zine Fest, Pomona Zine Fest, and TCAF 2022! I hope to one day visit the really cool zine fests all over the world :)

Currently, Im working on a long-term D&D comic, Basil, and publishing autobio zines under Cold Boy Press.


Hiya there

In July 2022, I was invited to perform some stories with Comics O’ Clock at Heavy Manners Library and debuted some new strips from Basil!

Huge thank you to @denisedavisforredlands and @therealstudiomargo for your tireless work helping us navigate the city process to make this happen, and to the Cultural Arts Commission for supporting it. To @jennaforredlands for your constant and unwavering support and to Mayor Paul Barich, @barichpaul for taking the time to listen, understand, and voting to support the arts in our community. To @scagnews and @gohumansocal for granting us the funds for this project. And last but certainly not least to everyone that showed up to comment in person, write emails, and advocate for this. It’s a huge win for our community.

β€” Artlands Gallery, Redlands CA.

Photography: Willis The Gorilla

Pictured: Jillian Sander, Sofia Diaz

In June of 2022, Rafael Parra and I collaborated on a mural to celebrate Pride month! Rafael imagined all the different flags as fireworks, I thought up some nonbinary clouds to kiss a rainbow into existence.

Thanks for being here!


CV: download